
CVSA Held Its 2020 COHMED Conference

Nearly 300 individuals involved in the regulation, enforcement and safety of hazardous materials/dangerous goods transportation attended the 2020 COHMED Conference in Louisville, Kentucky.

CVSA Reminds Motor Carriers of the Dec. 17, 2019, ELD Compliance Deadline

Starting Dec. 17, 2019, all motor carriers and drivers subject to FMCSA’s electronic logging devices (ELD) final rule must use an ELD. This deadline also pertains to grandfathered automatic onboard recording devices, which will no longer be allowed under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to provide records of duty status as a substitute to a required ELD.

13.5% of CMVs Inspected During 2019 Brake Safety Week Were Removed from Roadways for Brake-Related Violations

From Sept. 15-21, 2019, inspectors conducted 34,320 commercial motor vehicle inspections as part of Brake Safety Week and placed 4,626 vehicles out of service after critical brake-related conditions were identified during roadside inspections. The majority of commercial motor vehicles inspected (86.5%) did not have any critical brake-related inspection item violations.

CVSA Transitions to New Leadership for 2019-2020

Sgt. John Samis of the Delaware State Police is the new president of the Alliance. Capt. John Broers with the South Dakota Highway Patrol is CVSA’s vice president. Maj. Jeremy “Chris” Nordloh with the Texas Department of Public Safety was elected by the membership to the position of secretary.

Nearly 800 People Attend CVSA’s 2019 Annual Conference and Exhibition

CVSA held its annual conference, providing the opportunity for government officials, law enforcement personnel and industry members to work together to address the topics and issues affecting the commercial motor vehicle community in an effort to improve commercial motor vehicle inspections, enforcement and safety throughout North America

Brake Safety Week Starts Today

On Sept. 15-21, CVSA-certified enforcement personnel will be conducting roadside inspections, which include thorough investigation of brake systems on commercial motor vehicles. Inspectors will also pay special attention to brake hoses/tubing, which must be properly attached, undamaged, without leaks and appropriately flexible.

CVSA Releases 2019 Operation Safe Driver Week Results

During Operation Safe Driver Week, July 14-20, 2019, officers issued 46,752 citations and 87,624 warnings to drivers for traffic enforcement violations, ranging from speeding to failure to wear a seatbelt.

CVSA Releases Results from 2019 International Roadcheck

On June 4-6, 2019, inspectors conducted 67,072 inspections on commercial motor vehicles as part of CVSA’s International Roadcheck. During those three days, 12,019 vehicles were removed from roadways due to critical vehicle inspection item violations and 2,784 drivers were placed out of service for driver-related violations. That’s a 17.9% overall vehicle out-of-service rate and a 4.2% driver out-of-service rate.

More Than 1,600 Commercial Motor Vehicles Removed from Roadways for Critical Brake-related Violations on May 15 as Part of CVSA’s Unannounced Brake Safety Inspection Initiative

On May 15, 2019, CVSA’s law enforcement members conducted 10,358 commercial motor vehicle inspections focused on identifying brake system violations. Of those inspections, 16.1% of vehicles had brake-related critical vehicle inspection items. Those 1,667 vehicles were placed out of service until the violations could be corrected.

Operation Safe Driver Week Starts Today

From July 14-20, law enforcement personnel will identify, pull over and issue warnings or citations to commercial motor vehicle drivers and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in unsafe driving behaviors, such as speeding, distracted driving, following too closely, improper lane change, etc.

CVSA Awards $1,000 College Scholarships to Five Deserving Students

CVSA awarded $1,000 scholarships to five deserving high school seniors to attend the college of their choice this fall. Brendan Dowling will attend Biola University; William Farris was accepted to the University of Alabama; Kathryn Kelley will attend Southwest Baptist University; Reagan Miller plans to attend Dallas Baptist University; and Marissa Snapp was accepted to Emory and Henry College.