Today is the start of International Roadcheck, CVSA’s annual 72-hour, high-visibility inspection and enforcement initiative. During International Roadcheck, Sept. 9-11, inspectors in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will conduct commercial motor vehicle and driver inspections to verify compliance with driver operating requirements and vehicle mechanical fitness.
CVSA Releases 2020 Operation Safe Driver Week Results
Law enforcement personnel observed 66,421 drivers engaging in unsafe driver behaviors on roadways and issued 71,343 warnings and citations as part of Operation Safe Driver Week, a driver-focused safety initiative aimed at curbing dangerous driver behaviors through interactions with law enforcement.
It’s Brake Safety Week
Throughout the week, law enforcement personnel will conduct roadside safety inspections to identify commercial motor vehicles with brake violations. Vehicles discovered to have critical brake violations, or other critical vehicle inspection item conditions, as outlined in the North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria, will be removed from roadways until those violations are corrected.
CVSA Awards $1,000 College Scholarships to Five Deserving Students
CVSA would like to congratulate Jonah Cote, Margaret Meland, Nicholas Parks, Sarah Smith and Addison Stailey. These five outstanding students were awarded $1,000 each as part of CVSA’s college scholarship award program.
This Year’s Previously Postponed International Roadcheck is Now Scheduled for Sept. 9-11
In March 2020, CVSA announced the postponement of International Roadcheck due to the coronavirus pandemic, with new dates to be determined. CVSA has now rescheduled International Roadcheck for Sept. 9-11. The focus area is driver requirements.
CVSA’s Out-of-Service Criteria App Now Available
The CVSA OOSC app contains the out-of-service criteria, inspection bulletins, pictorials, online training, inspection procedures, operational policies, inspection and educational videos, brochures and webinars.
CVSA Urges FCC to Continue to Reserve Vital Airwaves for V2X Technologies
CVSA supports vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology applications; however, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is prepared to give away the spectrum required to support this technology. CVSA urges the FCC to keep this spectrum working for transportation safety by continuing to preserve it for V2X technologies.
Operation Safe Driver Week Starts Today
Law enforcement personnel will issue warnings or citations to commercial motor vehicle drivers and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in dangerous driving behaviors as part of Operation Safe Driver Week.
Brake Safety Week is Set for Aug. 23-29
Enforcement officials will inspect commercial motor vehicles throughout the week and vehicles found to have critical out-of-service brake violations, or other critical vehicle out-of-service inspection item violations, will be restricted from traveling until those violations are corrected.
CVSA’s 2020 Annual Conference Has Been Canceled, Virtual Conference to Be Held Instead
This year’s CVSA Annual Conference and Exhibition, scheduled to take place Sept. 20-24 in Wilmington, Delaware, has been canceled. In its place, CVSA will now offer a new week-long virtual conference, Sept. 21-25.
CVSA Supports the Motor Carrier Safety Grant Relief Act of 2020
CVSA applauds Senators Wicker, Cantwell, Thune, Fischer and Duckworth, as well as the Commerce Committee, for their support of this legislation and urges passage by the full Senate. The Alliance has been advocating for relief for commercial motor vehicle safety programs to provide states and territories with needed flexibility as a result of the ongoing impacts of COVID-19.
CVSA Launches New and Improved Online Learning Portal
The new CVSA Learning portal is an easy-to-use online learning platform featuring improved navigation, clearly organized content, a variety of multimedia offerings and more training courses.
Operation Safe Driver Week is July 12-18 With a Focus on Speeding
CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver Week will go on as scheduled, July 12-18. Law enforcement personnel throughout North America will be looking for drivers who are engaging in unsafe driving behaviors on our roadways. Identified drivers will be pulled over by law enforcement and may be issued a warning or citation. CVSA selected speeding as the focus area for this year’s Operation Safe Driver Week to address the alarming trend of increased speeding on our roadways during the pandemic.
CVSA Creates Public Online Repository for Active Emergency Declarations
CVSA created an online home for current emergency declarations, waivers, amendments, extensions, exemptions, executive orders, etc., the commercial motor vehicle enforcement community and the motor carrier industry may reference at any time.
CVSA Cancels 2020 North American Inspectors Championship and Reschedules 2020 CVSA Data Management, Quality and FMCSA Systems Training for January 2021
CVSA has made the decision to cancel this year’s NAIC due to health and safety concerns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 CVSA Data Management, Quality and FMCSA Systems Training has been rescheduled for Jan. 27-29, 2021, in Savannah, Georgia, in conjunction with the COHMED Conference.
CVSA’s New 2020 North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria is Now in Effect
CVSA’s 2020 North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria is now in effect. The 2020 out-of-service criteria replaces and supersedes all previous versions.
CVSA Postpones International Roadcheck
With public health and safety as its top concern, CVSA has decided to postpone International Roadcheck to later in the year. The Alliance will monitor the status of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and appropriately select the new dates when it’s safe and reasonable to do so.
CVSA’s Statement to the Public on the Coronavirus Pandemic
CVSA is working closely with the companies and organizations whose members are on the frontline ensuring the public receives food, medicine and resources needed to weather this extraordinary global pandemic.
CVSA Cancels Scheduled April Events
After closely following the coronavirus pandemic, CVSA has decided to cancel its events planned for April. That includes the CVSA Workshop in San Antonio, Texas, scheduled for April 19-23, and the industry vehicle training course, scheduled for April 6-10 in Kent, Ohio.
Duane Dornath of Western Express is CVSA’s 2020 International Driver Excellence Award Winner
CVSA is proud to announce that this year’s International Driver Excellence Award (IDEA) recipient is professional driver Duane Dornath of Western Express Inc. Dornath has been with Western Express for more than 40 years and safely driven more than 4 million miles without incident.