
New 2022 CVSA Out-of-Service Criteria Now Available in the App

The app also contains inspection bulletins; real-life photo examples of vehicle, cargo securement and hazardous materials/dangerous goods violations; inspection procedures; operational policies; inspection and educational videos; brochures; access to the CVSA Learning portal for online training; and much more.

CVSA’s 2022 Out-of-Service Criteria Now in Effect

The federal regulations together with CVSA’s out-of-service criteria provide the standards that drivers, motor carriers and law enforcement personnel use to ensure the commercial motor vehicles and drivers on North America’s roadways are safe and compliant.

Operation Safe Driver Week Is July 10-16 With Focus on Speeding

Law enforcement personnel in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will be on roadways throughout that week issuing warnings and citations to commercial motor vehicle and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in unsafe driving behaviors, such as speeding, distracted driving, following too closely, improper lane change, drunk or drugged driving, etc.

Today is the Start of CVSA’s Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative in Mexico

Mexico’s Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation and the National Guard are participating in this new annual awareness and outreach effort to educate commercial motor vehicle drivers, motor carriers, law enforcement officers and the general public about the crime of human trafficking, the signs to look for and what to do if you suspect someone is being trafficked.

International Roadcheck Is May 17-19 With a Focus on Wheel Ends

International Roadcheck is a 72-hour high-visibility, high-volume commercial motor vehicle inspection and enforcement initiative. Commercial motor vehicle inspectors in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will conduct North American Standard Inspections of commercial motor vehicles and drivers at weigh and inspection stations, on roving patrols and at temporary inspection sites.

CVSA Increases College Scholarship Award From $1,000 to $5,000

The 2022 CVSA College Scholarship Award Program is now open, and the Alliance is currently accepting applications from high school seniors who will graduate this year and attend college as a freshman in the fall for the 2022-2023 semester.

CVSA Supports the U.S. DOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy

The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced the launch of its National Roadway Safety Strategy to address the crisis on our nation’s roadways. CVSA supports this undertaking and we look forward to working together toward our shared vision of zero roadway deaths.

Mexico Joins CVSA’s New Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative

Mexico is joining the U.S. and Canada for CVSA’s new Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative, an awareness and outreach effort to educate commercial motor vehicle drivers, motor carriers, law enforcement officers and the general public about the crime of human trafficking, the signs to look for and what to do if you suspect someone is being trafficked. Mexico’s Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative is scheduled for March 15-17.

CVSA Adopts North American Fatigue Management Program

CVSA is now home to the North American Fatigue Management Program, a comprehensive educational and training program aimed at preventing fatigue-related risks and crashes and cultivating a corporate safety culture that proactively works to eliminate driver fatigue.

CVSA Releases 2021 Brake Safety Week Results

Commercial motor vehicle inspectors in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. inspected 35,764 commercial motor vehicles during this year’s Brake Safety Week, a seven-day inspection and enforcement initiative aimed at inspecting commercial motor vehicles roadside and identifying and removing any commercial motor vehicles with dangerous brake-related issues from our roadways. Twelve percent of the vehicles inspected were placed out of service due to critical brake-related inspection item conditions.

CVSA Releases 2021 Operation Safe Driver Week Results

Law enforcement officers in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. stopped 46,058 passenger vehicle and commercial motor vehicle drivers engaging in dangerous driving behaviors during CVSA’s 2021 Operation Safer Driver Week safety initiative.

CVSA Transitions to New Leadership for 2021-2022

Capt. John Broers is the new president of the Alliance, Maj. Chris Nordloh is CVSA’s vice president, and Sgt. John Samis moves into his three-year commitment as past president. Col. Russ Christoferson, with the Montana Department of Transportation, was elected by the membership to the position of secretary.