CVSA President Maj. Bill Reese of the Idaho State Police testified to the Committee on behalf of the Alliance.
CVSA Attends the 2015 “Be Ready. Be Buckled.” Safety Belt Art Contest Awards Ceremony
As an active member of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Belt Partnership, CVSA attended the 2015 “Be Ready. Be Buckled.” student art contest award ceremony at the U.S. Department of Transportation headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Commercial Vehicle Inspectors Conduct Safety Inspections during 28th Annual International Roadcheck
June 2-4, inspectors throughout North America will inspect large trucks and buses as part of the International Roadcheck annual three-day enforcement event.
CVSA Announces 2015 College Scholarship Recipients
CVSA has awarded its 2015 academic scholarships to three deserving high school graduates to attend the college of their choice.
Ross Reynolds of Con-way Freight Sets a High Standard as CVSA’s First Annual International Driver Excellence Award Winner
CVSA is proud to announce the winner of its first annual International Driver Excellence Award, Ross Reynolds of Con-way Freight who has driven more than 2 million miles over nearly 40 years without an accident.
CVSA’s 2015 Annual Brake Safety Week is September 6-12
Law enforcement agencies will conduct brake-system inspections on large trucks and buses to identify out-of-adjustment brakes and brake-system violations for Brake Safety Week.
CVSA Releases Results from Operation Airbrake Unannounced Brake Check One-Day Event
On May 6, 2015, CVSA-certified inspectors checked brakes on 6,337 commercial vehicles and placed 14.2 percent out of service for brake violations.
CVSA Announces the Winners of its 23rd Annual North American Inspectors Championship
Fifty-one inspectors gathered in St. Louis, Missouri, on Aug. 10-14, 2015, to compete in the North American Inspectors Championship.
CVSA Joins New Public-Private Coalition to Address the Problem of Nationwide Truck Parking Shortage
USDOT Jason’s Law Survey reaffirms nationwide truck parking needs.
Executive Director Stephen A. Keppler Leaving CVSA After 15 Years of Devoted Service
As of Sept. 4, 2015, Collin Mooney to serve as the Alliance’s acting executive director.
CVSA’s 2015 Operation Safe Driver Week is October 18-24
During the week of Oct. 18-24, 2015, law enforcement agencies will engage in heightened traffic safety enforcement and education aimed at unsafe driving behaviors by both commercial motor vehicle drivers and car drivers.
CVSA Holds its 2015 Annual Conference and Exhibition
Approximately 600 government officials, enforcement and industry members attended the CVSA Annual Conference & Exhibition on Sept. 13-17, 2015, in Boise, Idaho.
CVSA Releases 2015 International Roadcheck Results
International Roadcheck 2015 Driver and Vehicle Out-of-Service Rates for Level I Inspections Lowest on Record.
CVSA Partners with the National Organizations for Youth Safety to Educate Youth Safety Leaders on Safe Techniques for Driving Around Commercial Vehicles
CVSA held safe driving demonstrations for youth safety leaders at Teen Safe Driving Summit in Virginia on Oct. 18-19, 2015, as part of CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver Week (Oct. 18-24).
CVSA Holds Press Conference and Offers Safety Demonstrations for New Jersey Students during Operation Safe Driver Week
CVSA held its Operation Safe Driver Week media event at Hammonton High School in conjunction with the educational “Teens and Trucks” program, designed to teach young drivers how to safely share the roads with large trucks and buses.
CVSA Releases 2015 Brake Safety Week Inspection Results
Inspectors conducted 18,817 brake system inspections on large trucks and buses during Brake Safety Week, Sept. 6-12, 2015.