
Law Enforcement, Regulators and Safety Community Receive Valuable Hazmat Training at 2017 COHMED Conference

More than 200 representatives from the hazmat community attended the COHMED Conference, where the federal, state, provincial, territorial and local agencies responsible for regulating and enforcing the safe transportation of hazardous materials and dangerous goods, along with a number of industry stakeholders, participate in advanced-level technical sessions and training.

Kerri Wirachowsky Joins CVSA as Director of Roadside Inspection Program

As director of roadside inspection program, Wirachowsky will serve as the primary resource and expert on roadside enforcement and inspection issues for headquarters staff, CVSA membership, the media, industry, the general public, government agencies and other internal/external stakeholders.

Bill Reese Joins CVSA as Director of COHMED Program

Bill has been a member of the law enforcement community for more than 32 years and has more than 26 years of experience related specifically to the safe transportation of hazardous materials.

CVSA Releases 2016 Brake Safety Week Results

Inspectors reported 13.2 percent of inspections with out-of-service brake violations and 14.8 percent of inspections with non-brake related out-of-service violations, each inclusive of some with violations in both categories.

CVSA Releases 2016 International Roadcheck Results

Of all inspections, the top out-of-service vehicle violations were related to brake adjustment and brake system conditions. The top driver out-of-service violations were for hours-of-service and false log violations

CVSA Supports ‘Road to Zero’ Partnership

CVSA participated in a coalition conference with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the National Safety Council (NSC) aimed at identifying countermeasures and behavior-change strategies to meet the nationwide goal of zero traffic fatalities.

CVSA Transitions to New Leadership for 2016-2017

Julius Debuschewitz is the new president of the Alliance, Capt. Christopher Turner is CVSA’s vice president, Capt. Scott Carnegie was elected by the membership to the position of secretary and Maj. Jay Thompson is now the Alliance’s immediate past-president.