Today is the first day of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) 72-hour International Roadcheck commercial motor vehicle inspection and enforcement initiative. From May 14 to 16, CVSA-certified inspectors will inspect commercial motor vehicles and their drivers at weigh/inspection stations, popup inspection sites and on roving patrols throughout Canada, Mexico and the United States.
During International Roadcheck, inspectors will primarily conduct their routine North American Standard Level I Inspection, which is a thorough 37-step procedure to verify commercial motor vehicle and driver safety and regulatory compliance.
When a vehicle successfully passes a Level I or V Inspection without any critical vehicle inspection item violations, an inspector may apply a CVSA decal to the vehicle or combination of vehicles. A valid CVSA decal signals the vehicle has passed inspection within the past three months. Generally, vehicles displaying a valid CVSA decal won’t be re-inspected; however, nothing prevents re-inspection of a vehicle bearing a valid CVSA decal.
If an inspector identifies driver and/or vehicle out-of-service violations, as outlined in the North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria, the vehicle and/or driver will be restricted from operating until all out-of-service violations have been properly addressed.
Each year, International Roadcheck places special emphasis on a category of violations to spotlight certain aspects of the inspection process. This year, the focus is on tractor protection systems and alcohol and controlled substance possession/use.
Inspectors remain committed to the detection and interdiction of alcohol and controlled substance possession/use during the inspection process. In the U.S., inspectors will also verify the driver is not prohibited in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse.
In addition, a properly functioning brake system is essential to vehicle and roadway safety, which is why inspectors are focusing on tractor protections systems, including the tractor protection valve, trailer supply valve and anti-bleed back valve, during this year’s International Roadcheck.
International Roadcheck serves as a three-day snapshot of commercial motor vehicle and driver inspection and violation data and highlights the importance of the North American Standard Roadside Inspection Program. CVSA will gather data from the three days of International Roadcheck and report the results this summer.