The Enforcement and Industry Modernization Committee identifies technological advancements that can be leveraged to improve commercial motor vehicle safety and enhance the performance, quality and uniformity of commercial motor vehicle inspections and enforcement-related activities.
- Work to educate and inform the CVSA community, enforcement and industry about advancing inspection and commercial motor vehicle technologies.
- Serve as a forum for enforcement and industry to discuss advances in technologies and the impacts to those communities.
- Engage with federal, state, provincial partners, standards organizations, industry and other interested parties to help address issues related to technology advancements and inspection modernization.
- Work closely with federal, state, provincial partners, standards organizations, industry and other interested parties to ensure efficiency, feasibility, safety and effectiveness of relevant innovations.
Committee Communications
To receive updates and information about this committee, log into your CVSA member portal. From your profile, under Committee Communications Preferences, select Enforcement and Industry Modernization Committee.