Dale Hernandez
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Jon Osti
Susan Chang
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Ericson Castro
Kyle DeGroot (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Adam Wright
Cristina Garcia
Dale Hernandez
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Mark Cadena
Abner Aparicio
Dale Hernandez
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Daniel Blanco
Dale Hernandez
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Sandor Kitzmann
Dale Hernandez
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Sandro Kitzmann
Matt Ramsey
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Nate Eymann
Thomas Torok
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Colton Dennison
Dale Hernandez
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Daniel Perez
Dale Hernandez
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Daniel Perez
Scott Dorrler
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Michael Rokosz
Falan Ford
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
Other Bulk Packaging Inspection
Elbia Garrett
Jessica Hukill
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
General Hazardous Materials Inspection
Brenden Bleess
Matt Ramsey
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Ryan Stirn
George Donahue
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Santo Scavuzzo
Justin Cloward
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Dean Sekona
Justin Cloward
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Cole Young
Shawn Gobble
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Brandon Turner
Shawn Gobble
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Christopher Bradner
Chase Livingston
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Jennifer Armstrong
Ervin Garcia
Chase Livingston
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Joshua Davis
Chase Livingston
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Joshua Davis
Justin Cloward
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Janalynn Hernandez
Monica Greiss
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Tyrone Bennett