Kenny Johnson
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Derek Scott
Steve Pascoe
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
General Hazardous Materials Inspection
Justin Bess
Abe Dunivin
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Katy Pomo-Salceiro
Blake McCracken (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Marco Veloz
Jeffrey Baker
Brian Jimenez
Blake McCracken (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Marco Veloz
Elizabeth Grimshaw
Jeffrey Baker
Brian Jimenez
Blake McCracken (Secondary)
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Mark Foote
Blake McCracken (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Annette Tso
Blake McCracken (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Annette Tso
John Amestoy
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Michel Sparks
Edwin Medrano
Max McGuire (Secondary)
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
General Hazardous Materials Inspection
Marc Modler
Max McGuire (Secondary)
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
Cargo Tank Inspection
Marc Modler
Tony Fleming (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Tanner Smith
Max McGuire (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Sean Jacobs
Lynn Morse
Mitchell Molina
Clifford Patridge
Becki Mcdermott
- Elijah Saleem;
Tony Fleming (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
New Entrant Safety Audit
Russell Vick
George Donahue
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
Other Bulk Packaging Inspection
Chaidir hassanoeddin
Carl Huddleston
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Douglas Bailey
John Amestoy
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
Passenger Carrier Vehicle Inspection
Brian Drohn
Matt Ramsey
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Griffen Vater
Justin Cloward
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part A (Level III)
Austin Clark
Max McGuire (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Elijah Saleem
Becki McDermott
Monica Greiss
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
Cargo Tank Inspection
Johnny Shaw
Scott Todd
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
General Hazardous Materials Inspection
Nathan Gibbs
David Gibbon
Miranda Cannady
Austin Greenwood
Alex Carrick (Secondary)
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
General Hazardous Materials Inspection
Todd Yelverton
Kyle DeGroot (Secondary)
Challenge - One attempt is permitted after inspector fails to maintain certification.
North American Standard Inspection Part B (Level I)
Hayden Combs
Daniel Davis
Carrie Arvidson
Level Walley (Secondary)
Retest - The retest exam can be taken one time if the student failed the first attempt.
General Hazardous Materials Inspection
Richard Bryant