There is no registration fee for the Inspecting Lithium Battery Shipments Virtual Training Course; however, registration is required.
Each person attending the course must be registered. Group registrations will not be accepted. Each person attending must have a CVSA account and access to the CVSA Learning site to download class material and take the final exam.
When you click on the “REGISTER NOW” button below, you will be taken to your CVSA member portal where you will need to login to register. Once you’ve logged into your account, scroll down to the “Events” section on the right side of the page, click on “Browse Events,” then select “Lithium Battery Inspection Virtual Training Course – Feb. 8”
For assistance navigating the member portal, view this informational video.
Note: Each person attending the course must be registered. Group registrations will not be accepted. Each person attending must have a CVSA account and access to the CVSA Learning site to download class material and take the final exam.
Registration Deadline
The deadline for registration is Wednesday, Feb. 1, or until the classes are full.
Registration Cancellation
If you registered for this training course but will no longer be able to attend, please let us know. Contact CVSA Director of Hazardous Materials Programs Bill Reese or CVSA Hazardous Materials Specialist Katie Morton.