Hazardous Materials Instructor Training Overview Virtual Course

April 23, 2025


Hazardous Materials Instructor Training Overview Virtual Course

This virtual course is designed to give the hazardous materials employer the steps used to set up a successful program to train hazmat employees. The course will introduce a step-by-step process and best practices. This course will focus on the hazardous materials training requirements for hazmat employees and will emphasize the responsibility hazmat employers have to comply with the regulations and properly train employees.

The sole intent of this course is to provide knowledge to industry to comply with the hazardous materials training regulations. This course will not result in certifications. The participants of this course will be given a knowledge exam to determine what they have learned throughout the course, and, once completed, all participants will be provided with a certificate of completion and their exam score.

This training course was made possible by a Hazardous Materials Instructor Training grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.