Update on Relevant Canadian Regulations
Transport Canada Publishes ELD Regulation
On June 12, 2019, Transport Canada published an electronic logging device (ELD) regulation requiring commercial motor vehicles to be equipped with an ELD to record a driver’s record of duty status. In addition, the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators published the April 11, 2019, ELD technical standard for ELDs. The ELD mandate in Canada becomes effective on June 12, 2021.
Update on Relevant U.S. Regulations
FMCSA Requests Comments on Driver Qualification ICR
On June 10, 2019, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) published a notice and request for comments on an information collection request (ICR) on the collection of driver qualification files. The ICR outlines the burden on the motor carrier industry to comply with the reporting and record-keeping tasks for the driver qualification files requirement. Comments are due by Aug. 9.
FMCSA Requests Data on Driver Detention Time
Also on June 10, 2019, FMCSA published a request for information on existing data on the detention time of drivers during the loading and unloading of commercial motor vehicles. FMCSA is collecting data to examine the impact of detention time on safety. Comments are due by Sept. 9.
OST Submits ICR on Feedback of Its Service Delivery
On June 5, 2019, the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST) published an ICR on the agency’s service delivery. OST requests approval to gather information from stakeholders on its performance. Comments are due by July 5.
Update on Exemptions
FMCSA Approves RJR Transportation Exemption Request
On June 7, 2019, FMCSA announced the approval of RJR Transportation Inc.’s application for exemption from the short-haul hours-of-service (HOS) requirements. The exemption allows RJR drivers to drive within 150 air miles of their work reporting location, instead of 100 air miles, and still operate under the short-haul exemption status. The exemption is effective June 7, 2019-June 7, 2024.
CVSA Active Exemption Tracker
CVSA maintains a list of active exemptions issued by FMCSA. Members can access the document by logging into their CVSA member portal and clicking on the “Exemptions” tab at the top of the page.