Brake Safety Campaign Results


2024 Unannounced Brake Safety Day Results

Inspectors in 47 jurisdictions throughout Canada, Mexico and the U.S. conducted 4,898 commercial motor vehicle inspections in one day as part of CVSA’s brake-safety inspection and enforcement event. Inspectors identified 570 (11.6%) commercial motor vehicles that were traveling on roadways with brake-related critical inspection item vehicle violations. View the 2024 results news release.


2023 Brake Safety Week Results

Inspectors in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. conducted 18,875 commercial motor vehicle inspections Aug. 20-26 for Brake Safety Week. Of the total vehicles inspected, 87.4% did not have any brake-related out-of-service violations. View the 2023 results news release.

2023 Unannounced Brake Safety Day Results

Inspectors found brake-related critical vehicle inspection items on 11.3% of the vehicles inspected. As a result, inspectors restricted those 773 commercial motor vehicles from travel until the violations were corrected. View the 2023 results news release.


2022 Brake Safety Week Results

Commercial motor vehicle inspectors in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. conducted 38,117 inspections of commercial motor vehicles for Brake Safety Week. Of the total number of the commercial motor vehicles inspected, 13.3% were placed out of service for brake-related critical vehicle inspection item violations. View the 2022 results news release.

2022 Unannounced Brake Safety Day Results

Forty-six jurisdictions in Canada and the U.S. removed 1,290 commercial motor vehicles with brake-related critical vehicle inspection item violations from Canadian and American roadways. That’s 14.1% of the 9,132 commercial motor vehicles inspected that day. View the 2022 results news release.


2021 Brake Safety Week Results

Commercial motor vehicle inspectors inspected 35,764 commercial motor vehicles during 2021 Brake Safety Week. Twelve percent of the vehicles inspected were placed out of service due to critical brake-related inspection item conditions. View the 2021 results news release.

2021 Unannounced Brake Safety Day Results

Commercial motor vehicle inspectors in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. conducted 10,091 inspections and placed 1,273 vehicles out of service for brake-related critical vehicle inspection items on May 26. Inspectors tracked and reported this data to CVSA for Brake Safety Day, the Alliance’s unannounced one-day inspection and enforcement initiative focused on brake systems. View the 2021 results news release.


2020 Brake Safety Week Results

During 2020 Brake Safety Week, 12% of the 43,565 commercial motor vehicles inspected were placed out of service for brake-related violations. Inspectors from Canada, Mexico and the U.S. removed 5,156 commercial motor vehicles from roadways due to brake violations. View the 2020 results news release.


2019 Brake Safety Week Results

From Sept. 15-21, 2019, inspectors conducted 34,320 commercial motor vehicle inspections as part of Brake Safety Week and placed 4,626 vehicles out of service after critical brake-related conditions were identified during roadside inspections.  View the 2019 results news release.

2019 Unannounced Brake Safety Day Results

Law enforcement members conducted 10,358 commercial motor vehicle inspections focused on identifying brake system violations. Of those inspections, 16.1% of vehicles had brake-related critical vehicle inspection items. Those 1,667 vehicles were placed out of service until the violations could be corrected. View the 2019 results news release.


2018 Brake Safety Week Results

Enforcement personnel in 57 jurisdictions conducted 35,080 inspections on commercial motor vehicles. Inspectors found critical vehicle inspection items in the brake systems of 4,955 (14.1%) of the vehicles inspected and placed those vehicles out of service. View the 2018 results news release.

2018 Unannounced Brake Safety Day Results

Fifty-two U.S. and Canadian jurisdictions conducted 11,531 roadside inspections on commercial motor vehicles and removed 1,595 vehicles with brake violations from our roadways on April 25, 2018, as part of CVSA’s unannounced Brake Safety Day enforcement initiative. View the 2018 results news release.


2017 Brake Safety Day Results

On Sept. 7, 2017, enforcement personnel conducted 7,698 inspections on commercial motor vehicles for Brake Safety Day. Fourteen percent of the vehicles inspected were placed out of service for brake-related violations. View the 2017 results news release.

2017 Unannounced Brake Safety Day Results

More than 9,500 commercial motor vehicles were inspected for an unannounced brake safety enforcement event on May 3, 2017. View the 2017 results news release.


2016 Unannounced Brake Check Day Results

CVSA held its annual, unannounced brake check day on May 4, 2016, as part of its Operation Airbrake program. CVSA-certified inspectors in 31 participating U.S. states and Canadian provinces and territories checked brakes on 6,128 commercial motor vehicles. View the 2016 results news release.

2016 Brake Safety Week Results

Inspectors reported 13.2 percent of inspections with out-of-service brake violations. View the 2016 news release.