On Nov. 2, CVSA submitted a petition for reconsideration regarding FMCSA’s recent final rule on the applicability of emergency exemptions.
Letters, Petitions and Comments
CVSA Sends Letter Supporting Beyond Compliance to FMCSA
On Oct. 23, CVSA sent a letter in support of the creation of a Beyond Compliance program within FMCSA to recognize motor carriers for safe practices and to help better distinguish between carriers who are merely compliant with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) and those who take additional steps to ensure not only compliance, but a higher safety culture overall.
CVSA Requests Extension to SFD ANPRM Comment Period
On Oct. 6, CVSA requested a 30-day extension to the comment period for the Safety Fitness Determinations (SFD) advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM).
CVSA and CVBMC Submit Comments to AEB NPRM
On Sept. 5, CVSA, on behalf of the Commercial Vehicle Brake Manufacturers Council (CVBMC), submitted comments regarding the joint notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) from NHTSA and FMCSA proposing automatic emergency braking (AEB) and other related requirements for heavy duty vehicles.
CVSA Submits Comments on FMCSA’s Proposed Changes to the SMS
On May 16, CVSA submitted comments in response to the FMCSA’s request for comments on proposed changes to the agency’s Safety Measurement System (SMS).
Petition to Amend CFR § 393.67(c)(12) Construction of Liquid Fuel Tanks
On April 5, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) petitioned the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to amend CFR § 393.67(c)(12) by removing subsection (i).
Petition to Clarify What Qualifies as a Valid CDL
On April 4, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) petitioned the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to amend Title 49 CFR § 383.25(a)(1) to clarify what qualifies as a “valid commercial driver’s license (CDL)” for the purposes of accompanying a commercial learner’s permit (CLP) holder for behind-the-wheel training in a commercial motor vehicle (CMV).
Petition to FMCSA Regarding Wheel Components
On March 30, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) petitioned FMCSA to amend CFR § 393.205 to clearly identify several hazardous conditions that correspond to regularly observed conditions of wheel components that result in high risk of a crash or breakdown.
CVSA Files Comments Regarding ADS-Equipped CMVs
On March 20, CVSA filed comments on FMCSA’s Supplemental Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (SANPRM) seeking input on which factors the agency should consider in amending the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to establish a regulatory framework for commercial motor vehicles (CMV) equipped with Level 4 and Level 5 automated driving systems (ADS).
Request for Clarification Regarding PHMSA Record Keeping Requirements Interpretation #22-0133
On Feb. 10, CVSA sent a letter to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), requesting the agency reconsider its Jan. 17, 2023, interpretation #22-0133, issued to Usher Transportation…
Petition to Amend Title 49 CFR § 392.60 DOT Regulatory Guidance
On Feb. 3, CVSA submitted a petition to FMCSA asking the agency to amend the DOT Regulatory Guidance to Title 49 CFR § 392.60 – Unauthorized persons not to be transported to require written…
CVSA Submits Updates to 396.3(a)(1) Petition
On Feb. 2, CVSA submitted an update to the Alliance’s March 30, 2021, petition to FMCSA asking the agency to amend Title 49 CFR Part 393 of the FMCSRs by incorporating changes in Subparts B, C, E, F, G and J…
Comments to Clarification to the Applicability of Emergency Exemptions NPRM
On Jan. 25, CVSA submitted comments to FMCSA’s Dec. 8, 2022, notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) seeking to narrow the scope of regulations from which relief is provided automatically…
Letter Asking FMCSA to Consider Changes to New Entrant Safety Audit Program
On Jan. 6, CVSA sent a letter to FMCSA asking the agency to consider a number of improvements to the New Entrant Safety Audit Program, including…
Petition to Update Level VI OOSC Incorporation by Reference
On Jan. 6, CVSA submitted a petition to FMCSA requesting an amendment to the hazardous materials safety permit regulations to update the incorporation by reference of CVSA’s “North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria (OOSC)…
Comments to Unique Electronic Identification of CMVs ANPRM
On Nov. 21, CVSA submitted comments in response to FMCSA’s ANPRM exploring whether the agency should amend the FMCSR to require every CMV operating in interstate commerce to be equipped with electronic identification technology…
Comments to Electronic Logging Devices ANPRM
On Nov. 14, CVSA submitted comments in response to FMCSA’s ANPRM regarding potential updates and changes to the electronic logging device regulations. In the comments, CVSA provided feedback…
Comments Opposing NPGA HOS Exemption Request
On Oct. 27, CVSA submitted comments to FMCSA in opposition to the National Propane Gas Association’s (NPGA) request for an exemption from several hours-of-service (HOS) regulations. NPGA is seeking relief…
Comments to PHMSA Request for Information on Electronic Hazard Communication Alternatives
On Oct. 17, CVSA submitted comments to PHMSA in response to its request for information regarding the potential use of electronic communication as an alternative to current, physical documentation requirements…
Comments Opposing Flat Top Transport HOS Exemption Request
On Sept. 29, CVSA submitted comments opposing an exemption request from Flat Top Transport for temporary exemption from the HOS regulations. Flat Top Transport is seeking a three- to four-month exemption…