Today marks the 21st day of the partial federal government shutdown that began on Dec. 21, 2018, when a continuing resolution funding several federal agencies expired. Little progress has been made on passing a fiscal 2019 spending bill or continuing resolution that would reopen the government and debate over border wall funding continues. The president stated that he will veto any spending bills that are passed without an increase in border security funding. The now Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has passed several spending bills that don’t increase border wall funding, which Republican Senate leaders refuse to consider because of the president’s veto threats.
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is among the federal agencies whose funding expired on Dec. 21, 2018. As long as the shutdown does not continue for an extended period of time, we do not anticipate a large impact on commercial motor vehicle enforcement at U.S. DOT. For more information on how the shutdown will impact U.S. DOT, review U.S. DOT’s shutdown plan.