Level VIII Electronic Inspection FAQs – Enforcement

Q: How does the Level VIII Electronic Inspection operational test affect enforcement workflows, including at inspection sites?

A: In early phases of the test, Level VIII Electronic Inspection data has no bearing on whether trucks are pulled in for inspections, nor is the data used to prepopulate an inspection report should a truck be pulled in independently after having an electronic inspection. Therefore, the operational test has no impact on enforcement workflows in the initial phases. As future phases are developed, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and CVSA will communicate with participating states about any adjustments to workflows for roadside inspections.

If Level VIII Electronic Inspections are implemented nationally, information learned during the operational test will help determine how the program would be integrated into existing roadside inspection procedures.

Q: Does the Level VIII Electronic Inspection operational test work with our state inspection software?

A: The Level VIII Electronic Inspection data needs to be transmitted to FMCSA. Historically, transmitting inspection data has been a function of a state’s inspection software. The Level VIII solution is intended to be adaptable to any inspection software. To find out if your current software is compatible with an existing Level VIII solution, reach out to your inspection software provider.

Q: Can states still sign up to participate in the operational test? What does it entail?

A: The operational test is being carried out incrementally, with more states joining as they complete technical setup. The only limitation on state participation is technical, though the travel routes and volumes of participating motor carriers is also a consideration. If a state is interested in joining the operational test and its software systems are integrated to support the necessary flow of data, contact CVSA to obtain and submit a participant interest form. If you do not know whether your state’s software systems can support the Level VIII Electronic Inspection operational test, contact your state’s weigh station bypass provider and inspection software system provider, or contact CVSA and we can try to help.